Rapid SEO Host Wordpress

Rapid SEO Host isn’t just another WordPress hosting site. We do far more than host a blog for our clients. We are a complete solution, dealing with both the security and optimization of our client pages.

We take the time to ensure that your web page is optimized for users so that you don’t have to.

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Rapid SEO Host Wordpress

As a provider of premium SEO hosting for agencies, we offer a few features as standard to our users:

WordPress Website Development

WordPress is one of the most flexible content management services available to businesses today. However, using it to build a website from scratch and include search engine optimization within it is a chore. Managed hosting, like Rapid SEO Host, provides, deals with developing the webpage from scratch and including the critical information that clients may need to see to make their decisions.

What’s more, is that we ensure that all the content on the pages we produce for clients is fully optimized for search engines. Users can get to your website through a simple search that pertains to what your business does. We leverage search engines to work for you.

Illustration of two people working on laptops
Illustration of two people working on screens

WordPress Plug-in Coding and Removal

What’s the sense of building a website if it looks exactly like everyone else’s? A company’s website needs to stand out to get noticed. While WordPress offers a lot of functionality with its standard installations and themes, you might be looking for a more personal touch for your website.

The key to being memorable is to be unique. Our in-house code-monkeys are ready and able to provide support in developing your WordPress plug-ins to help your site be more individual in a sea of competitors. Not only will they help you install the plug-in and get it working, but they’ll help you remove it if you think it isn’t what you want!

WordPress Website OnPage Optimizations

The thing that drives most of your customers away is slow loading times. Getting your site to load quickly is the responsibility of your SEO hosting provider. We take that responsibility seriously, providing OnPage optimization for each of our served pages.

We understand the need to have a seamless website experience for the user. More than anything, a user must feel welcome on the pages they visit. Our optimizations make it so that users don’t have to wait too long to get to your content.

Illustration of speedometer at the high end.

SEO Focused Hosting At An Affordable Price

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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